Horley Infant School is celebrating a glowing report following an Ofsted inspection in which it was recognised as having “outstanding leadership and management.”

Under the new revised Ofsted regulations brought in last month, the school in Lumley Road has been recognised as a “Good” school - a welcoming, caring and vibrant community, where behaviour is good, pupils feel safe and are happy and friendly.

Inspectors observed children in class and saw that they had excellent opportunities to investigate how to write, construct models and to find out about technology and materials. The inspectors found they were well supported by adults’ skilful questioning and were given work that was challenging, so that their understanding developed quickly.

Ofsted confirmed that the leaders, staff and governing body share a clear vision for pupils to achieve their potential and work together to “benefit the children.”

Headteacher Hilary Salter said: “We are very proud of our great school.

“We have a clear vision, working together with a determination that ensures children leave at the end of Year 2 with attainment which is significantly above average in maths and writing.”

She said: “There is something very special about Horley Infant School. I think it’s in the bricks!”

Pupils leave the school at the end of Year 2 with attainment which is above average in English and significantly above average in maths, attendance at the school is above average, and the children told the Ofsted Inspectors that the “best thing about school is the teachers and the learning.”

It was also noted that the leaders’ well-planned actions are carefully aligned to the school budget, have a strong impact on pupils’ good achievement, and the headteacher provides an outstanding role model of calmness and ambition.