Postillion Restaurant
2 Brockham Lane
Tel: 01737 844832

Almost a decade before the current moves to make venues and public areas non-smoking, one man opened a restaurant adopting a strict no smoking regime, writes Christine van Emst.

Dietmar Post must have had his doubts whether the smoking ban at his Postillion Restaurant in Betchworth would scupper its success, but he had the strength of his convictions, and today, ten years later, The Postillion is thriving and cherished by the non-smoking section of the public who welcomed it.

Not only that, the gourmet cuisine he serves attracts smoking foodies who will adhere to his rules.

The Postillion is more than just a place to go for a meal dining here is an event, an education and thoroughly entertaining. It's a venue for every occasion and one that offers delightful meals for special calendar dates. Naturally with his Austrian/German heritage Dietmar pays tribute to Beethoven and Mozart on a regular basis. The cosy, spotless cottage style dining rooms are alive with the sound of the composers' on these occasions and, having dabbled in the music/pop industry himself, Dietmar can encouraged to whip off his apron, pick up his guitar and serenade his guests himself!

This review features the marvellous three-course Sunday lunch menu that at 12 is superb value. It was relaxing to drive out into the Surrey countryside, and settle at crisp, linen clad table and decide which choices to make. We knew that whatever we chose, the selection would be of the finest quality and cooked in a healthy, low fat way.

I enjoyed a mixed hors d'oeuvres platter and my husband tucked into harvest vegetable soup. We both relished the dark rye bread and nutty ciabatta slices with this first course. My appetiser consisted of melon, smoked salmon, dressed prawns, salami, asparagus spears and pickles. The nourishing soup had been freshly made with broccoli, spinach, celery and carrots, all naturally full of fibre.

Main courses to chose from were chicken fillets in mushroom and wine sauce; pork loin in mild radish, onion and wine sauce; pasta Bavaria or fish fillets in caper, lemon and wine sauce.

The fish was superb, Dietmar had thinly sliced the fresh salmon to cook quickly and it nestled next to a tropical sole. The caper sauce was lovely, I always think capers are overlooked in trendy recipes, and it was nice to have that flavour again. Pasta Bavaria presented coloured swirls of fresh pasta mixed with small Bratwurst-speck sausages, cherry tomatoes, olives and mushroom sauce.

Fresh vegetables or salad were offered with the menu, and a choice of tempting desserts.

Dietmar has some special dates in his culinary calendar. On November 28 he hosts a Tennis Dinner. At the venue there will be live music, prizes and surprises It's the Forty Love Club special - a four-course gourmet dinner for 20. Dietmar is a keen player and is know for his good service on court as well as in his restaurant!

The Postillion has the perfect atmosphere for your forthcoming festivities. The Christmas menu is available from December 1 to 24. The lunch menu is 18 (plus 10 per cent service charge) and the dinner 20 (plus 10 per cent service charge). Great care has been taken with these menus, and a vegetarian option, of course, is available. Traditional choices are included and Dietmar's flare will make them extra special. As Dietmar is the recipient of a Heartbeat Award for his low fat menus, you can enjoy all the flavour of fabulous festive fare with the knowledge that he will be watching the fat content of his creations carefully.

During December his customers will be given a free calendar, and hopefully will be noting dining events for 2004 on it. Beethoven and Mozart evenings and another annual Mercedes Day lunch are planned.

I must add that wines on offer at The Postillion are carefully chosen by Dietmar, who has interesting information of wines and their history, in fact each time I go there I leave with more knowledge about wines, food, tennis, composers